Factory Direct Swimming Pools Made in Australia
Quality control
Not only will you get our quality service, but you can rest easy knowing our product is second to none. The Leisure Pools range has been architecturally designed to suit just about everyone’s tastes, housing styles and of course budget. Contact us now to start planning your new lifestyle!
Manufacturer Support
Direct to you
Our wide range of colours, beautiful water features, exclusive range of equipment, and our patented Composite Armour™ technology means that by dealing with Leisure Pools you’ll not only be spoilt for choice but you’ll have access to the best and most technologically advanced products available in the world today. Thinking this all sounds pretty good! Contact us today to get started!
For information and/or assistance in making the best selection for your pool, contact Factory Direct. To get in contact with the Factory Direct team, call 1300 SPLASH or go to our Contact Us Page.